Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wanted: A Good Old-Fashioned Snow!

Mind you, I am not the jealous kind.
But the mere mention of a good old-fashioned blizzard in
the Northeast makes me pea-green with envy!!
I live in Tennessee where we can clock on an egg timer
how quickly the weather will change.
One moment its freezing cold-
the next moment it's 70 degrees and my daffodils & poor
cherry trees are starting to bloom!
I have watched snowstorms march across the Kentucky
counties just to the north of us,
as well watched them smugly slide as far south as Birmingham
and Atlanta.
But alas, here in Middle Tennessee- nary a flake!
When I was growing up, we had tons of snow!
You could always tell when it had snowed during the night
because it was so very quiet in the morning....
and the smell of my mother's pancakes were heavenly!
But, the biggest thrill for my sisters & I was waiting for my Daddy
 to come home early so he could take us sledding.
He would pile as many neighborhood kids as he could into the back
of our station wagon, and off to the park we would go.
We would sled well into the early evening when we would
make a bonfire at the top of the hill.
The landscape literally glowed from the light of the snow,
and if we were lucky, we'd have a little moonlight.
My mom always had hot chocolate waiting for everybody
 when we finally came home.
Then we'd eagerly listen to the radio to see if school was to be cancelled
the following day.
If so... we'd do it all over again!
So, as I have perused the 10 day weather forcast and dismally
discovered there is NO snow in our forseeable future,
I have decided to make my own
"little blizzard" with the help of some of my papier mache
snowmen & women.
They're not as cold as the real thing...
but infinitely cuter!

Well, thank you for allowing me to share some very sweet
memories with you.
My sled ( the same one we've been using for about 50 years!)
hangs ready in our garage- just in case
I wake up to a very quiet morning...
and the smell of pancakes.
Here's wishing all us Middle Tennesseans
A White Winter!